Chemistry Reference
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Eq. 4.95 [6]. These anodic substitutions are one
of the characteristic electrolytic reactions and
they are useful for construction of a C-C bond
at the adjacent position to the nitrogen atom.
Anodic substitution at the adjacent position to
the nitrogen atom of imines is also possible, as
shown in Eq. 4.96 [29].
Depending on the molecular structures of
amines, the active site is retained at the original
nitrogen, resulting in the generation of various
reactive nitrogen species, and eventually
reactions occur at the nitrogen atom, as shown
in Figure 4.16 [28]. Two-electron reduction of
N,N -dihalo compounds generates the
corresponding nitrenes [30], while two-electron
oxidation of aziridine and medium-sized cyclic
amines followed by deprotonation of NH
moiety generates nitrenium ions [31]. Anodic
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