Game Development Reference
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Creating Random Encounters for the World Map
Next, let's add some random encounters to the part of the world map to which we currently have access. For this,
we can use Regions. (See Figure 4-12 ).
Figure 4-12. The world map. Regions have been added
Region 1 encompasses the entirety of the area's grasslands. We have Region 2 for the forests and Region 3 for
the hills. Let's add some encounters to each region. In this particular case, I numbered the areas based on encounter
difficulty, which is a good way to go, so that you can remember what you want appearing in a certain area. If you take a
look at the Monsters tab, you'll notice that the monsters are roughly subdivided for such a purpose already. Monsters
001 through 005 all have similar power levels, then 006 (the Wisp, by default) is much stronger than 005 (the Rat). Similar
power spikes appear at regular intervals. I'm going to use troops with the first six unit types to create my encounter tables
for this part of the world. See Figure 4-13 for a list of encounters that I set for the world map as of now.
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