Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-15. The combat screen with the new troop created previously
The Strange Battleback
Indeed it is. That's RMVXA's attempt to try and generate a battleback based on the available terrain. As you can see, it's
a bit . . . underwhelming. And swirly. So, close your play-test and make your way to the second map's properties once
again. Find Specify Battleback , toggle the check box, and browse through the graphics. I used Grassland for both the
foreground and background, but feel free to choose something different. When you encounter the troop once again,
you'll see that the battleback is now an actual defined background and not a strange swirl.
We're nearing the end of this chapter, but I think it's time to have a little discussion about damage formulas.
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