Game Development Reference
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Erase weapon 60 (Etherblast Gun) and create a bow for Eric to use.
Erase enemy 30 (Demon God) and come up with a new enemy.
Erase troop 30 (Demon God) and make a troop containing one Slime and one of the new
enemy you create.
Given the information already provided, the preceding should be fairly easy to accomplish. Take some time to
read the various things in each tab, so that you can make a more measured decision in tweaking your creations, and it
should be as easy as counting. RMVXA is nothing if not intuitive. Let me write up the changes that I made.
Change Eric so that he can use bows as well as axes. To do this, you can add the Equip
Weapon (Bow) feature to Eric or his class, and it will have the same overall effect for our
purposes. I chose to add it to his class.
Erase skill 126 (Mystic Spell) and create a skill that requires the use of a bow.
I made a new skill that I named Arrow Rain. It is of the Special skill type and costs 10
MP per use. It has a scope of All Enemies and can only be used in battle. Its hit type
is Physical Attack, while its animation is 013: Pierce Physical. As intended, I set it to
require the use of a bow.
For my skill's damage formula, I used the default of [a.atk * 4 - b.def * 2] .
It does Physical HP Damage with a variance of 10 and can inflict Criticals. It has no
special effects.
Give Eric the skill that you have created.
To add a skill to a class, double left-click (or right-click and then select Edit) within
the Skills list of that class. You can do the same on an already added skill, to edit or
erase it.
Because we want to add the new skill, let's add it to the blank slot directly below
Giant's Rampage. For the purposes of this exercise, let's set the level at which to learn
our bow skill at 1. That means that Eric will have that bow skill level from the start of
the game .
Erase items 15 and 16 (Speed Up/Luck Up). Create a normal item that can be used to
attack enemies and is consumed on use and a key item.
My normal item is a Bomb. It deals exactly 50 physical damage to all enemies when
used (you can write in numbers into the damage formula). It is Consumed when used
and costs 200 gold to purchase from a shop (which means that it sells for 100 gold).
It has a Physical Hit Type and the 059: Fire All 1 animation.
My key item is an Old Key. It has no price, cannot be consumed, and has a scope
of None and an occasion of Never. Such an item seems useless at first glance,
but it can be used in conjunction with the Item conditional. It is mainly used for
events involving locked doors/gates, to allow players to open them, if they have the
appropriate key item.
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