Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-5. The Items tab of the RMVXA Database
Item Type : These are subdivided into Normal (very nearly every type of item you could think of )
and Key Items. Key Items are important things that the player acquires and should never get
rid of (or is required to use for a specific purpose). A potion, food, and a smoke bomb are but
three examples of Normal items, while an ancient key or a royal missive are good examples of
Key Items.
Price : Items, weapons, and armor can have a set price (in in-game currency). Items with a
value of 0 cannot be sold (but, you can have an item that costs 0 for sale in a shop; I usually
don't recommend that, mind you). Items sell for half of their value.
With very few exceptions, you should set the price of your Key items to 0, so that they cannot be sold.
You would think that Key items have protection from being sold, but that is not the case in rMVXa.
Effects : Much as in the case of skills, your items can have a variety of effects. If you'd prefer,
you can even use the damage formula for curative items or consumable damage items
(think bombs and throwing stars).
As you can see, it is pretty much identical to the Skills tab. For those of you with RMVXA Lite, you are stuck with a
16-item limit. It is, perhaps, one of the more painful restrictions, as you will probably use many different types of items
for your game. In any case, I will be elaborating on the Weapons tab and glossing over the Armors tab for the same
reason that I skimmed over the Items tab. Refer to Figure 3-6 for a screenshot of the Weapons tab.
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