Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-2. The Classes tab in RMVXA's Database
The ten actors each have their own class. Eric's class is Soldier. Take a look at each of the classes and note how
its features, parameter curves, and skills differ. RMVXA prefers to place character-defining features within the Classes
tab, as an actor's class highly defines him/her. Case in point, look at everything that is governed strictly by class.
EXP Curve : EXP is short for “Experience.” If you click the “ . . . ” button to the right of the
bracketed numbers, you'll see what those four values relate to and how you can use them
to tinker with the rate of advancement. You can make levels easier or harder to get, via the
use of this property. By default, the ten premade classes all have the same experience curve.
If you want actors to level up based on their class, you can tweak their curves here. To take
a predominantly pen-and-paper example, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (video game
adaptations of that ruleset include Dark Sun and Baldur's Gate ) had an experience system
in which classes leveled up at a rate proportionate to their power. So, the spellcasters, who,
arguably, had more power, took a longer time to gain a single level, while the “weaker” classes,
such as Thief, leveled up faster, to compensate for their lower overall power level.
Parameter Curves : These affect the rate at which a given class gains its stats. You can edit a
parameter by double-clicking it, which will bring up a graph. There are eight stats in RMVXA.
MHP (Maximum Hit Points) . If these drop to 0, the character is dead and requires
some form of revival.
MMP (Maximum Magic Points) . Used to cast all manner of magic spells
ATK (Attack) . Influences the amount of damage that a character does with his/her
weapon of choice
DEF (Defense) . Influences the amount of damage that a character suffers from
enemy attacks. The default damage formula for the basic Attack command is
[ATK * 4 - DEF * 2]. Essentially, the basic formula favors boosting your attack over
your defense.
MAT (Magic Attack) . Can be used in spell formulas to determine damage
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