Game Development Reference
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Victory! We have three more statements to go for this method. The next one uses the ActorDamage and
EnemyDamage Vocabs. My copy-paste of part of the Vocab module (back on pages 4 and 5) is universally useful for what
we'll be doing here, so take a peek at the relevant variables.
ActorDamage = "%s took %s damage!"
EnemyDamage = "%s took %s damage!"
As you can see, both ActorDamage and EnemyDamage use the same sentence structure. The only thing that would
change is the origin of . Incidentally, that particular elsif statement is fine. It requires no alterations.
The next elsif statement uses ActorRecovery and EnemyRecovery , which read as such:
ActorRecovery = %s recovered %s %s!"
EnemyRecovery = "%s recovered %s %s!"
Much like the previous case, both variables share the same sentence structure. Thus, they share the same textual
hiccup. Let's take the ActorRecovery sentence for example. The sprintf method passes , Vocab::hp ,
and -hp_damage , in that order. If Eric is the Actor in question, and the value of -hp_damage is 20, it would read like this.
Eric recovered HP 20.
Thankfully, that statement is as easily fixed as swapping the order in which the parameters are plugged into the
sentence, unlike the similar case back at the initial if statement. As the else statement is also correctly expressed,
here's the completely tweaked version of hp_damage_text :
class Game_ActionResult
# * Get Text for HP Damage
def hp_damage_text
if @hp_drain > 0
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorDrain : Vocab::EnemyDrain
if fmt = Vocab::ActorDrain
sprintf(fmt,, @hp_drain, Vocab::hp)
sprintf(fmt, @hp_drain, Vocab::hp,
elsif @hp_damage > 0
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorDamage : Vocab::EnemyDamage
sprintf(fmt,, @hp_damage)
elsif @hp_damage < 0
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorRecovery : Vocab::EnemyRecovery
sprintf(fmt,, -hp_damage, Vocab::hp)
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorNoDamage : Vocab::EnemyNoDamage
Don't forget the class definition at the very top of your script page!
One down, two more to go!
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