Game Development Reference
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That is a dummy switch, a strategy we've used in previous chapters to make sure this part of the event can only
execute when jumped into. When the player decides to touch the statue, we change the battle BGM and set self-switch
A to on. Then, we send the player into the superboss battle. If the player triumphs, the interaction event flips to a
second page that displays only the first bit of descriptive text. Look at the following code:
@>Conditional Branch: Player is Facing Right
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0002:X] == 44
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: : You see a majestic dragon statue. It hums with
: : power.
: Branch End
With that said, we have one thing left to do.
Setting Up the Use of the Exit Skill/Item Inside a Dungeon with
Two Exits
We have set up all of our relevant transfer events for the mines, but we have yet to update them with appropriate
changes to the DungeonLocation variable. More important, we also need to update the common event that is tied
to our Exit Scroll. As noted in this section's heading, the mines are peculiar in that they have two exits. We have the
cave entrance hidden within the forest, and we have the entrance in Rocksdale. So, we have to have one value of
DungeonLocation for each of the two entrances. We'll set them in the order that the player finds them, so that the
entrance to the mines from the hidden location will set DungeonLocation to 3, while the entrance in Rocksdale will set
its value to 4. Let's get started.
@>Control Variables: [0002:X] = Player's Map X
@>Control Variables: [0003:Y] = Player's Map Y
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0002:X] == 29
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0003:Y] == 4
@>Control Variables: [0011:DungeonLocation] = 3
@>Transfer Player:[017:Abandoned MineF1F] (024,049), Up
: Branch End
: Branch End
We have this event on the cave entrance map. Directly inside, at Abandoned Mines F1F, we tweak that event, so
that DungeonLocation will become 0 if the player steps back out.
in what is another difference between this dungeon exit and the two previous locales, you can set Dungeon
Location to 0 when the player leaves the mines, or when he/she steps back into the world map. i decided to set the
value back to 0 as soon as the player breaks free of the mines, as the cave entrance is not part of the dungeon.
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