Game Development Reference
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The player appears two squares south of the transfer event that leads back to the surface. The area, instead of
having random encounters, has three static encounters. The first two are against a single Sahagin, while the last is
against an Ogre. Discerning eyes will notice that the Ogre event is displaying only a head. Some of RMVXA's largest
stock monsters have 2×2-sized sprites contained in the $BigMonster1 and $BigMonster2 graphic sets. The Ogre is one
of them. So, while it appears that way in the editor, here's how it looks in-game (Figure 8-4 ).
Figure 8-4. An in-game picture of the Ogre sprite
I placed an Autorun event one square below the second bridge, which will cause the player to fight the Ogre.
For large enemies represented on the game map, I prefer to do it that way, as their sprites act weird if forced to move
(with good reason: large enemies only have a forward-facing sprite). Thus, the Ogre itself is a two-page event with a
page 1 that has a graphic and a page 2 that does not (page 2 requires that SQ1Completed be on). The trigger event, on
the other hand, has a little more meat to it.
Page 1: Has no conditionals. Has a Below Characters Priority and a Player Touch Trigger.
@>Text: 'Actor4', 0, Normal, Bottom
: : What is THAT thing?
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: : Eric points to a nearby giant.
@>Text: 'Actor5', 6, Normal, Bottom
: : That appears to be an Ogre.
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: : A rumbling sound makes itself heard.
@>Text: 'Actor5', 6, Normal, Bottom
: : The Ogre appears to know we're here.
: : Ready yourself, Eric!
@>Change Battle BGM: 'Battle2', 100, 100
@>Battle Processing: Ogre
As is standard for boss fights, we change the Battle BGM to reflect the fact that the player is facing a particularly
strong foe. This Ogre is a tweaked version. Its adjusted stats are shown in Figure 8-5 . (I left its Attack Patterns and
Features in their default settings).
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