Game Development Reference
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@>Label: RankCChallenge
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: : This will cost you 500 Gold. Are you sure?\$
@>Show Choices: Yes, No
: When [Yes]
@>Conditional Branch: Gold is 500 or more
@>Change Gold: -500
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: : Good luck!
@>Fadeout Screen
@>Play SE: 'Move', 80, 100
@>Control Switches: [0015:RankCChallenge] = ON
@>Transfer Player:[012:Arena] (008,008), Up
@>Jump to Label: EndPage
: Else
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: : You don't have enough Gold!
@>Jump to Label: MainMenu
: Branch End
: When [No]
@>Jump to Label: MainMenu
: Branch End
What we see here will be consistent in every conditional branch from here to the end of the arena sign-up event.
We check to see if the previous rank in the list was cleared. If so, we make sure that the next one has not been cleared
yet. If it has, we'd be skipping to the next branch in the line. In this case, as the player has only beaten Rank D, he/she
should be challenging Rank C next. Note the Jump to Label if the player picks Rank D. Redundancy is fine for some
fields of work, but in game design, you usually only want to write the same code once, if possible. Then, you call back
to that code when you need it. I'll be touching upon common events in a later chapter, to tidy up some of our previous
code. For now, it will suffice to know that we have already written out the Rank D challenge in a previous conditional
branch, so we just jump back to it, instead of repeating the same code a second time.
I'll leave the rest of the eventing of these already mentioned events up to you, as it is pretty much identical to
what we have done so far. What you would need to fill out follows:
Pages 2 to 4 of the announcer Autorun event : As already mentioned, each page will have a
conditional based on the rank that is being challenged. You would have to create Ranks C
through A.
Pages 3 to 8 of the post-challenge Autorun event placed behind the arena sign-up NPC :
Remember to have one page for a win and another for a loss, in each particular rank.
The remaining conditional branches in the arena sign-up event : We need one when the player
has beaten Rank C and another when the player has beaten Rank B.
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