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you last saw her. Let the images get deeper within you. Let them fl ow. The images should
create a fl ood of feelings for this person. Observe these feelings.
Observe yourself while sitting in the chair.
How does your body feel in that chair? (Languid, relaxed, comfortable?)
Pick a gesture: Curl your hair, tap your foot, or twist a necklace.
Explore the tension in your muscles. Observe the tempo of your tapping.
Now, rise and walk across the room, carrying the topic with you.
Explore how these feelings inform how you carry the topic.
Is the topic held closely? Gingerly?
Observe your walk.
How do you walk? Long strides or short? Dreamy or slow?
Observe how relaxed or excited you are.
Physical Gestures
I feel a fl ood of warmth; heart muscles
I hold the topic tenderly, slowly leafi ng
through the pages.
Record your impressions:
Physical Gestures
Exercise B—Anger : Sit in a chair and make yourself comfortable. Hold the topic. Using
emotional recall or empathy, think of an image that makes you angry. When you have a
fl ood of feelings, begin to observe your physicality.
Observe yourself while sitting in the chair.
How tense is your body?
Pick a gesture: Curl your hair, tap your foot, or fl ip the pages in the topic.
Explore the tension in your muscles. Observe the tempo of the tapping.
How does it differ from love? Does the tap change into a stomp?
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