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Record your impressions.
Repeat this exercise with the “love” of another person—a Grandfather, a child, a sister.
How do the feelings change or intensify within your body?
Exercise B—Anger : Sit in a chair and make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes and
imagine someone you have a confl ict with. Just as in Exercise A, think of him specifi cally
until you have a fl ood of feelings.
How do these feelings move through your body?
How does your heart feel? (Hurt or tight?)
Does your pulse quicken?
How does your face change?
How does this feeling affect your hands? Your feet?
Do these feelings make you feel constricted?
Record your impressions.
Trying out other feelings:
Experiment with different feelings. There are many kinds of loneliness, many kinds of joy.
The good actor is like a violin or a painter—he can play an infi nite number of notes or
combine an array of colors to achieve a fresh, authentic interpretation. By utilizing this
exercise, you will learn to incorporate authentic emotion in your work and develop the dis-
cerning eye to see it in others.
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