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By displacing the confl ict between the father and child to the imaginary story, the artist
allows the audience an insight into the much richer world of the child. Each time the father
dispels the illusion with logic, Bogo expresses disappointment and we, too, are afraid that
the story is over.
The main characters, father and child, do not have an arc to learn or experience an adrena-
line moment. However, poor Bogo does. Remember the time I found a treasure chest?
Remember the time there was an ice cube in the desert and when candy fell from the sky?
Remember that there won't be any more adventures until another night (. . . and remember
I never got to eat my candy!). Poor Bogo.
Before you start looking for ideas, know the rules of the animation playground:
￿ Story Is King
￿ Keep It Simple
￿ Know Your Concept or Theme
￿ Avoid Cliché
￿ Create a Memorable Character
￿ Emotion Drives Action
￿ Show, Don't Tell
￿ Create Confl ict
￿ Know Your Ending
￿ Entertain Your Audience
￿ Make Me Laugh
￿ Do Something You Like
￿ There Are No Rules
Getting ideas takes practice and hard work.
Ideas come from:
￿ Everywhere
￿ Concepts
￿ Characters
￿ Location
￿ Situation
￿ Experience
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