Graphics Reference
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relationships between images and ideas. They can often allow us to move through a great
deal of story time in a very small amount of movie time. They can often make changes that
would otherwise seem harsh or discordant seem more visually agreeable and harmonious.
Clean Entrance/Exit
A clean entrance happens when you show a place and then without a camera cut you see
a character or a car or a dog enter the scene. The clean exit will show a character leave
a scene and the shot will remain on the place he has departed from for a bit before the
camera cuts to the next shot. To show the location before the character arrives or after the
character departs changes the viewer's reading of the passage of time. If you see a girl
riding away on a bicycle and the camera cuts before the bike leaves the frame and the
next shot is another view of the girl on the bike, the audience can usually assume that the
cuts are instantaneous, that no time has elapsed between the two shots.
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