Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Soft rounded shapes may seem
inviting and comfortable, while
straight harsh edges may seem
cold and impersonal.
Pre-Visualizing the Pre-Visualization
All the storyboard artists I have interviewed, without exception, said they do thumbnails in
the early stages of the boarding process. Most every designer or graphic artist uses small
thumbnail drawings as the fi rst step to arriving at an image. Why? Because they are quick
and rough. You may have several versions of an image in mind so you need to “get them
out” and down on a piece of paper to compare and evaluate. In other cases, an artist may
have no clear image in mind so he or she develops it on the paper, maybe even placing
things randomly at fi rst in order to start to see the possibilities for a shot and to consider
how a series of shots work together.
Approaches to Thumbnailing
During thumbnailing, one can be experimental, daring, and perhaps even careless. They
can let their mind and vision fl ow without feeling restrictions or the stifl ing infl uence of practi-
cal concerns. Sometime the most creative ideas come when you are not worried about being
sensible or pragmatic. These early investigations usually have to be adjusted or even thrown
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