Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The fi rst drawing sets the stage, but the second drawing is what you want to sell the piece
and to start the story.
￿ A good character is believable, memorable, and right for the story.
￿ Understanding your character will allow you to create believable reactions to the con-
fl icts in the story.
￿ Knowing your character comes from creating a back story or character profi le.
￿ The character profi le forms the personality of the character.
￿ When working with two or more characters, you must also establish their relationship,
status, and individual goals.
￿ You must establish which character the story is truly about.
￿ That character will arc or change, physically, mentally, spiritually, and always emotion-
ally, throughout the course of the story.
A good character design will:
￿ Be immediately recognizable and relatable.
￿ Have a recognizable shape.
￿ Refl ect the personality of the character.
￿ Include physical attributes that complement the content of the story.
￿ Be able to complete the actions that are required by the script.
￿ Be interesting to watch.
A good location:
￿ Sets the stage for the animation through props and space.
￿ Defi nes the mood of the piece through texture, color, light, and design.
￿ Texture determines the level of reality
￿ Color evokes emotion
￿ Light creates atmosphere, tone, and drama
￿ Design communicates meaning and creates style
￿ Supports the story.
￿ A good location design creates intrigue, getting the audience quickly into
the story.
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