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The Animator and the Seat Chunk Model Sheet
Building Location
A good location:
￿ Sets the stage for the animation
￿ Determines the mood of piece
￿ Supports the story
Setting the Stage
Some of the most cutting-edge work in animation is in the design of the environment. We
only have to look at the ballroom scene from Disney's Beauty and the Beast , the vast, frozen
terrain of Blue Sky's Ice Age , the underwater world of Pixar's Finding Nemo , or the complex
kitchen in Ratatouille to see how environments have been innovative in pushing both visual
and technological progress as essential storytelling elements. The location is not just a back-
ground for a piece. It is not just a space in which the character acts. The location is the
world in which the character lives.
￿ Props. Props are objects that populate the environment that the character uses to drive
the story forward. A landscape is never just a landscape, a town just a town, a build-
ing just a building, or a room just a room. The location, and the objects in it, is specifi c
to the character and the story. They give the audience many visual cues that provide
instantaneous information about the character, the back story, and the situation.
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