Graphics Reference
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Choosing the iconic moments is important to your story because :
• You identify what is necessary and important to the scene
• You condense the story to a feasible time period
• You identify the must-have images for the audience
Improvise your scene and choose your iconic moments . When you complete your scene
concept, improvise it fully and freely many times over. Remember:
• Use goals, tactics, and actions that are forged with the emotional reality of the
• The scene will most likely be long and formless
• Step back and look at the scene as an observer
• Identify the iconic moments: the important storytelling images
Soon you will fi nd the shape of your animated short and be able to move it from a generic,
free-form story to the artfulness of a universal tale.
In Conclusion
Acting is truth—the specifi c emotions of a character in the moment that are honest and true .
Whether your character is a penguin, a rat, a tomato, or a prince, he/she/it is imbued with
anima —the breath of life of the human condition. Through the study of acting, animators
can access important tools to breathe a vital emotional and physical dimension into their
The Kite by Gwynne Olson-Wheeler
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