Java Reference
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<pitching team_flag= "home" out= "27" h= "9" r= "4" er= "4" bb= "1"
so= "4" hr= "2" bf= "34" era= "6.91" >
<pitcher id= "346871" name= "Cook" pos= "P" out= "18" bf= "23" er= "3"
r= "3" h= "6" so= "2" hr= "1" bb= "0" w= "0" l= "2" era= "4.50"
note= "(L, 0-2)" />
<batting team_flag= "away" ab= "33" r= "4" h= "9" d= "2" t= "0" hr= "2"
rbi= "4" bb= "1" po= "27" da= "8" so= "4" avg= ".322" lob= "10" >
<batter id= "453056" name= "Ellsbury" pos= "CF-LF" bo= "100" ab= "4"
po= "3" r= "1" bb= "0" a= "0" t= "0" sf= "0" h= "2" e= "0" d= "1"
so= "1" hr= "0" rbi= "0" lob= "2" fldg= "1.000" avg= ".450" />
<batter id= "456030" name= "Pedroia" pos= "2B" bo= "200" ab= "4" po= "1"
r= "0" bb= "0" a= "4" t= "0" sf= "0" h= "0" e= "0" d= "0" hbp= "0"
so= "0" hr= "0" rbi= "0" lob= "2" fldg= "1.000" avg= ".227" />
The root element is <boxscore> , which has several attributes. It has a child element
called <linescore> , which shows the scoring in each inning. Then there are <pitch-
ing> and <batting> elements for the home team and away team, respectively.
This isn't a terribly complex XML file, but if you had to process it using Java the code
would quickly get involved. Using Groovy, as shown previously, all you have to do is walk
the tree.
Parsing this data uses the same approach as parsing the geocoded data in the last section.
Here I need to assemble the URL based on the month, day, and year and then parse the box
score file:
def url = base + "year_${year}/ month_ ${month}/ day_ ${day}/"
def game = "gid_${year}_${month}_${day}_${away}mlb_${home}mlb_${num}/
boxscore .xml"
def boxscore = new XmlSlurper().parse("$url$game")
After parsing the file I can walk the tree to extract the team names and scores:
def awayName = boxscore.@away_fname
def awayScore = boxscore.linescore[0].@away_team_runs
def homeName = boxscore.@home_fname
def homeScore = boxscore.linescore[0].@home_team_runs
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