Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The following listing shows the complete Geocoder class, with its method
fillInLatLng that takes a Stadium as an argument and fills in the latitude and lon-
gitude values.
Listing 2.3. Geocoder.groovy , which uses the Google geocoder to compute lat and lng
class Geocoder {
def base = ''
def fillInLatLng(Stadium stadium) {
def url = base + [sensor:false,
address: [,, stadium.state]. collect {
}. join (',')
]. collect {k,v -> "$k=$v"}. join ('&')
def response = new XmlSlurper().parse(url)
stadium.latitude =
response.result[0] toDouble ()
stadium.longitude =
response.result[0].geometry.location.lng. toDouble ()
return stadium
The groovy.sql.Sql class
Returning to the original problem, I want to store the stadium information in a database.
I'm now going to take advantage of a very useful class in the Groovy library,
groovy.sql.Sql . This class connects to a database and allows you to execute SQL
against it. To begin the process, here's how the Sql class is instantiated:
Sql db = Sql. newInstance (
The Sql class has a static newInstance method, whose arguments are the JDBC URL,
the username and password, and the driver class. The result is a connection to the database.
Next, I drop the stadium table if it already exists:
db.execute "drop table if exists stadium;"
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