Java Reference
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As mentioned earlier, the script lacks semicolons. Semicolons as statement separators are
optional in Groovy and can be omitted if there's no ambiguity. Again, you're free to add
them in without a problem.
In Groovy, semicolons work but are optional.
Next,Groovyusesthemethodcalled assert extensively.Theword assert canbewrit-
ten without parentheses, as done here, or you can surround an expression with them. The
resulting expression must evaluate to a Boolean, but that's a much looser requirement than
in Java. In Java, the only available Booleans are true and false . In Groovy, non-null
references are true, as are nonzero numbers, non-empty collections, non-empty strings, and
the Boolean value true .
That bears repeating and goes by the term The Groovy Truth .
The Groovy Truth
In Groovy, non-null references, non-empty collections, non-empty strings, nonzero num-
bers, and the Boolean value true are all true.
Finally,thedefaultdatatypeforfloating-pointvaluesinJavais double ,butinGroovyit's
java.math.BigDecimal . The double type in Java has approximately 17 decimal
places of precision, but if you want to get depressed about its accuracy, try this tiny sample:
println 2.0d - 1.1d
The d appended to the literals makes them doubles. You would expect the answer here
to be 0.9, but in fact it's 0.8999999999999999. That's not much of a difference, but I've
only done a single subtraction and I'm already off. That's not good. That's why any serious
numerical calculations in Java require java.math.BigDecimal , but that means you
can't use the standard operators ( + , - , * , / ) anymore and have to use method calls instead.
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