Java Reference
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$ gvm use groovy [version]
If the version you request isn't installed, GVM will download and install it for you. In
my own work, I don't switch Groovy versions that often, but I switch Grails versions fre-
quently and the same tool works for Groovy, Grails, Griffon, and a few other software
distributions. GVM installs software under a .gvm folder in your home directory, so you
should set the GROOVY_HOME variable to point there. For example, on my Mac, I have
$ export GROOVY_HOME=/Users/kousen/.gvm/groovy/current
That's useful because switching versions through GVM updates the current link. I don't
have to explicitly add that folder to my path, though, because the tool adds soft links to a
bin folder already in my path.
A.3. Testing your installation
The easiest way to see if your Groovy installation is working is to try out the Groovy shell
or the Groovy console. If you type
$ groovysh
you should get a response like this:
Groovy Shell (2.1.5, JVM: 1.7.0_11)
Type 'help' or '\h' for help.
groovy:000> println 'Hello, World!'
Hello, World!
===> null
The Groovy shell is essentially the REPL [ 3 ] for Groovy (or even Java). Note that the re-
sponse here is null because the println command has a void return type.
3 Read-Eval-Print-Loop, discussed further in appendix B .
The Groovy console is a bit more useful. Start it with this command:
$ groovyConsole
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