Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Quest application provides a nice demonstration of the process involved. Suppose
I want the map to appear on the list.gsp page associated with the castles. Grails maps
the URL http://<host>:<port>/holygrails/castle/list to the list action in the CastleCon-
troller class. The last expression in that action is a map (a Groovy one rather than a
Google one), so Grails automatically adds the entries to the HTTP request and forwards to
the list.gsp page.
The goal, therefore, is to add the information needed by the map to the proper controller
action. As usual, the data should come from a service, and I already have the Geocoder-
Service available. The next listing shows the additional methods.
Listing 10.20. Methods added to the GeocoderService to support the mapping plugin
The list action in the CastleController is already returning a list of castles and the
total count, which are used to display them in a table. I might as well use the same action
to return the columns and data for the map.
The revised list action in CastleController looks like this:
def list() {
params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 10, 100)
[castleInstanceList: Castle.list(params),
castleInstanceTotal: Castle.count(),
mapColumns:geocoderService.columns, mapData:geocoderService.markers]
The following listing shows the additions made to the view, list.gsp, in order to display a
map of castles.
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