Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 10.18. The unit test for the GeocoderService
Test Cases
Grails generates a unit-test class for each artifact (domain class, controller, or service) that
it produces. The default implementations fail on purpose to encourage you to implement
them properly.
In a Grails application, services use Spring's dependency injection. Here the Geocoder
service is injected into CastleController to update the latitude and longitude before
an instance is saved in a database. Injecting a service is done by declaring an attribute with
the same name as the service with a lowercase first letter. [ 14 ] To illustrate, the following
code is another section of the CastleController implementation.
14 In Spring parlance, this is “autowiring by name.”
Listing 10.19. Dependency injection of a service into a controller
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