Java Reference
In-Depth Information
static hasMany = [knights:Knight, tasks:Task]
static constraints = {
name blank: false
The Quest has a name property and an override of toString to return it. The keyword
hasMany is part of GORM, the Grails Object-Relational Mapping DSL, which program-
matically configures Hibernate. Other ORM tools are available, but Hibernate is the de-
fault.The hasMany keywordimpliesaforeignkeyrelationshipbetweenboththe Knight
and Task tables and the Quest table.
Domain classes also have constraints, which are enforced by Grails when creating new in-
stances. For the Quest , the name field cannot be empty.
The Task class is shown in the next listing. Task s have a name , a priority , a start
and end date, and a completion marker.
Listing 10.13. Task s belong to a Quest
class Task {
String name
int priority = 3
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate = new Date()
boolean completed
String toString() { name }
static belongsTo = [quest:Quest]
static constraints = {
name blank:false
priority range:1..5
endDate validator: { value, task ->
value >= task.startDate
The constraints closure states that Task s must have a name, a priority that falls between
1 and 5, and an end date that's greater than or equal to the start date. The other notable
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