Java Reference
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Here I want to add an additional testing directory. For both the Java and Groovy plugins,
simply defining a source set name generates the proper tasks.
In the current build I add a source set called integrationTest :
sourceSets {
This causes Gradle to generate tasks called compileIntegrationTestJava , com-
pileIntegrationTestGroovy , processIntegrationTestResources , and
integrationTest-Classes . The directory tree now includes src/integrationTest/
java, src/integrationTest/groovy, and src/integrationTest/resources.
For this source set I would like the compile and runtime dependencies to match their coun-
terparts in the regular test directory:
dependencies {
// ... Various libraries ...
integrationTestCompile configurations.testCompile
integrationTestRuntime configurations.testRuntime
As before, I'll use the intTest task, but now I need to configure it to have the proper
classpath and test directories. Here's the new version of the task:
task intTest(type: Test, dependsOn: jettyRun) {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
The testClassesDir property points to the compiled test sources. The classpath is set
to the runtime classpath of the source set, which is simply the runtime classpath of the reg-
ular tests. I can now place integration tests into the src/integrationTest directory tree, and
they'll be executed at the proper time.
One final issue remains before presenting the integration tests. It's easy to create an HTTP
GET request: you convert the string URL to an instance of and then ac-
cess its text property, as shown previously. It's not as simple to create POST, PUT, and
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