Java Reference
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private void callServlet() {
String response = "http://localhost:$httpPort /HelloServlet/hello"
. toURL (). text .trim()
assert response == 'Hello, Servlet!'
The intTest taskisdefinedusingtheleft-shiftoperator( << ),whichisanaliasforadding
a doLast closure. In other words, this defines the task but doesn't execute it. Because the
task depends on the jettyRun task, jettyRun will be called first if this task is invoked.
The task calls the private callServlet method, which converts a String to a URL,
accesses the site, and compares the response to the expected value. Once the method com-
pletes, the intTest task tells Jetty to shut down, and I'm finished.
I can invoke the intTest task directly from the command line, but I'd rather make it part
of my normal build process. To do that, I notice that in the directed acyclic graph (DAG,
see chapter 5 ) formed by the Gradle build file, the next task after the test task is completed
is called check .
with the -m flag to keep it from actually executing, which gives the following output:
prompt> gradle -m build
:compileJava SKIPPED
:processResources SKIPPED
:classes SKIPPED
:assemble SKIPPED
:compileTestJava SKIPPED
:processTestResources SKIPPED
:testClasses SKIPPED
:check SKIPPED
:build SKIPPED
As you can see, the check task occurs right after the test task completes, and the in-
tTest task doesn't execute at all unless I call for it. To put my task into the process, I set
it as a dependency of the check task:
check.dependsOn intTest
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