Java Reference
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9.5.3. Adding structural links
Structural links in JAX-RS are instances of the Link class inside the entity itself. Convert-
ing them to XML or JSON then requires a special serializer, which is provided by the API.
Here'sthe Person class, expanded to hold the self , next ,and prev links as attributes:
class Person {
Long id
String first
String last
Link prev
Link self
Link next
The prev , self , and next links are instances of the
class, as before. Link.JaxbAdapter is an inner class that tells JAXB how to serialize
the links.
Setting the values of the link references is done in the resource, this time using an interest-
ing Groovy mechanism:
Response findById(@PathParam("id") long id) {
Person p = dao.findById(id)
getLinks(id).each { link ->
p."${link.rel}" = link
The same getLinks private method is used as in the headers section, but this time the
links are added to the Person instance. By calling link.rel (which calls the getRel
method) and injecting the result into a string, the effect is to call p.self , , or
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