Java Reference
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Listing 7.26. The complete Gradle build file, including Grails-Spring dependencies
The additions shown in the build file are all that's necessary to use the Grails
BeanBuilder in a regular application. The Grails-Spring dependency (and SLF4J) are
listed in the regular way. Any additional required JARs (and there are several) will then be
downloaded automatically.
To demonstrate how to use the BeanBuilder , let me take a different approach from the
earlier examples. The BeanBuilder is a class provided by an open source project. Open
source projects by definition make their source code available. While browsing through the
implementation of an open source project is certainly educational, I'd like to point out an
oft-overlooked resource. The better open source projects are loaded with test cases. Be-
cause nobody is really fond of writing documentation, [ 16 ] sometimes it's hard to figure out
exactly how to use a particular capability in a project. If you're lucky, whoever wrote the
feature you want also wrote test cases for it. Then the tests demonstrate in great detail how
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