Java Reference
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dependencies {
groovy "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.1.5
testCompile "org.spockframework:spock-core:0.7-groovy-2.0"
The repository at Maven central holds the Groovy distribution and the Spock release
versions. The dependency is decoded in the usual way, with the group being
“org.spockframework,” the name (or artifact ID, in Maven speak) being “spock-core,” and
the version number of 0.7-groovy-2.0. Note that the Spock version is tied to a Groovy ver-
6.4.2. Test well, and prosper
Spock tests all extend a superclass called spock.lang.Specification . In addition
to its own methods, the Specification class includes the @RunWith annotation from
JUnit. The result is that Spock tests can be run within the normal JUnit testing infrastruc-
The tests themselves all have a common form. Each test method (known as a fixture ) is de-
clared using the def keyword, followed by a string that describes what the test is supposed
to accomplish. Fixture methods normally take no arguments.
Listing 6.26 shows a simple Spock test to verify some String behavior. By convention,
Spock test cases end in Spec . That isn't a requirement, [ 20 ] but it does help to keep the
Spock tests easily identifiable, especially when your system uses both Spock and JUnit
tests together.
20 Spock tests in Grails do have to end in Spec .
Listing 6.26. A specification verifying basic java.lang.String behavior
import spock.lang.Specification;
class StringSpec extends Specification {
String llap
def setup() { llap = "Live Long and Prosper" }
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