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{ id -> accounts[id] }
That's a one-argument closure whose dummy variable, again called id , returns the Ac-
count stored under that ID. With that machinery in place I can provide a stub implement-
ation for the DAO to the service class, as shown in the next listing.
Listing 6.18. A JUnit 4 test case for the AccountService , in Groovy, with a stubbed DAO
In the setUp method (with the @Before annotation), I use the as operator to treat the
closure as an AccountDAO interface. That means the closure will be used as an imple-
mentation for all the methods in the interface. Because the only method used in the DAO
interface was findAccountById , I can assign a single coerced closure to the dao prop-
erty in the service (which goes through the setDao method, as usual), and I'm done. The
testTransferFunds method verifies that the initial balances of the two accounts are
as expected, does the transfer, and then checks that the updated balances are correct, keep-
ing in mind that comparing doubles requires a third argument representing the precision.
If I need to implement multiple methods in the interface using a closure, I can supply a
map of closures to method names, where each closure has the proper argument list. For ex-
ample, the following listing shows a map of closures representing the entire AccountDAO
interface and a few tests showing how it works.
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