Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Gradle build is in the file build.gradle:
ant.importBuild 'build.xml'
task intro(dependsOn: hello) << {
println 'Hello, from Gradle'
The intro task depends on the hello task from the Ant build, which is imported using
the ant variable (an instance of AntBuilder ). Running gradle intro executes both
[ant:echo] Hello, from Ant
Hello, from Gradle
The Wrapper task
Finally, a client can execute a Gradle build even if they don't have Gradle installed. Gradle
comes with a special Wrapper task, which has a version property:
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '1.6'
RunningthistaskgeneratesscriptsforbothWindowsandUnix,called gradlew.bat and
gradlew , respectively, along with a minimal Gradle JAR distribution. When executed the
wrappers first download and install a local copy of Gradle and then execute the build.
Gradle is a very powerful system, and a thorough investigation is well beyond the scope of
this topic. [ 13 ] Hopefully this section will provide you with enough of an introduction to get
you started.
13 The topic Gradle in Action (Manning, 2013) by Benjamin Muschko is both well written and thorough. I highly
recommend it.
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