Java Reference
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This equation connects the imaginary numbers ( i ) and the transcendental numbers ( e and π )
to the negative numbers (-1). Euler found this expression so profound he had it inscribed
on his tombstone.
The java.lang.Math class contains constants Math.E and Math.PI , and the Com-
plex class has the constant Complex.I . To make the formula look better I'll use static
imports for all of them.
One final addition is necessary to make this work. Math.E in Java is of type double, and
I want to raise it to a Complex power. The easiest way to do that is to convert the double
to an instance of the Complex class and then use the pow method in the Complex class.
Returning to Groovy metaprogramming, I need a power method (which corresponds to
the ** operator) on Double that takes a Complex argument:
Double.metaClass.power = { Complex c -> (new Complex(delegate,0)).pow(c) }
With all that machinery in place the resulting code is a bit anticlimactic, but that's a good
Complex result = E ** ( I * PI )
assert result.real == -1
assert result.imaginary < 1.0e-15
As usual in Groovy, accessing the real or imaginary property is equivalent to calling
the getReal or getImaginary method, respectively. The expression does generate a
real part of -1, but the imaginary part isn't exactly zero due to the round-off error associ-
which is certainly close enough.
There are a few additional annotations available in the Grapes system. One is @GrabCon-
fig , used in the next example when loading a database driver. The following script uses
the groovy.sql.Sql class to generate an H2 database and add some data to it:
import groovy.sql.Sql
@GrabConfig(systemClassLoader= true )
@Grab(group='com.h2database', module='h2', version='1.2.140')
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance(url:'jdbc:h2:mem:',driver:'org.h2.Driver')
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