Java Reference
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Maven archetypes
The Groovy-Eclipse plugin uses regular Java archetypes and adds Groovy functionality.
The GMaven approach in the next section includes a basic archetype to get started.
This generates a Java project with the standard layout, meaning the source code directory
is src/main/java and the testing directory is src/test/java. The quick start archetype includes
a trivial and in those directories, respectively. The generator also
adds a standard Maven POM file in the root directory, whose only dependency is on JUnit,
as shown in the next listing.
Listing 5.8. The Maven pom.xml file for a standard Java project
<project xmlns=""
The only change I've made so far from the standard is to upgrade the JUnit dependency to
4.10 from 3.8.1.
To do the actual work I need a class to send the request to Yahoo and parse the response,
and a POJO to hold the resulting weather information. Starting with the POJO, for a given
city, region, and country I want to store the condition, temperature, wind chill, and humid-
ity. The web service returns a lot more information than this, but this will suffice to get
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