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The following subsections will tackle each of these Groovy and Ant topics in turn.
5.3.1. The <groovy> Ant task
Ant has two hooks that allow you to add Groovy to a standard build file. The <groovy>
and <groovyc> tasks use the Groovy libraries to execute Groovy scripts and compile
Groovy source files, respectively.
Starting first with <groovy> , defining the associated task in an Ant build lets you write
Groovy code directly into the build file. The following listing shows a trivial example.
Listing 5.3. A trivial Ant build that executes Groovy code in a task
The environment property allows the build to access system properties in the operating
system. Here the env variable is used to access the current value of GROOVY_HOME , the
installation directory for Groovy. The <path> element assigns the groovy-all JAR file
(found in the embeddable directory) to the groovy.classpath ID.
The <taskdef> element then defines the groovy task as a reference to the
org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy class, which is resolved in the groovy-all
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