Java Reference
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At the top of the file a series of properties are set, including the locations of various direct-
ories. Note that one property can refer to another by using the ${...} syntax.
A series of <task> elements ( clean , compile , jar , run , clean-compile , and
main ) are defined to represent individual actions during the build process. Some tasks de-
pend on others, which is expressed using the depends attribute of the <task> element.
All the defined tasks ultimately delegate to a library of predefined Ant tasks. Here those
tasksincludefile-basedtaskslike mkdir and delete ,andJava-relatedtaskslike javac ,
jar , and java .
Executing this build without arguments means typing ant at the command line, which will
execute the default main task. Because main depends on clean and run it will execute
those tasks first, which will execute their own individual dependencies, and so on. The res-
ult looks like the following listing.
Listing 5.2. Execution of the default task in the “Hello, World” Ant build
Buildfile: /.../build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory /.../build
[mkdir] Created dir: /.../build/classes
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to /.../build/classes
[mkdir] Created dir: /.../build/jar
[jar] Building jar: /.../build/jar/HelloWorld.jar
[java] Hello, World!
Total time: 1 second
Each task outputs its own name, followed by the included built-in Ant tasks indented un-
derneath. The build completed successfully, though that can be misleading. The BUILD
SUCCESSFUL statement at the end means that Ant finished all the tasks. The individual
tasks may or may not have worked.
The tasks chosen here are typical, but there is no standard. Each organization (and even
each developer) is free to choose their own. Reusing tasks between different builds also re-
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