Java Reference
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Part 2. Groovy tools
Welcome to part 2 : “Groovy tools.” In these two chapters, I address two of the major ways
Groovy is often introduced into an organization: namely, build processes and testing.
Chapter 5 on build processes reviews the dominant build tools in the Java world, Ant and
Maven, and shows how to add Groovy dependencies to each. It also covers the Ant tasks
that work with Groovy and the major Groovy plugins for Maven. Finally, it provides an in-
troduction to Gradle, one of the most important projects in the Groovy world, and includes
examples covering several interesting build tasks.
Chapter 6 on testing starts with JUnit tests in both Java and Groovy and then looks at the
JUnit subclass GroovyTestCase and its descendants and what additional capabilities
they bring. Then it covers the MockFor and StubFor classes in the Groovy library, which
are great ways to build mock objects and also provide some insight into Groovy metapro-
gramming. Finally, the chapter ends with a good overview of the Spock testing framework,
which includes mocking capabilities of its own.
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