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alternatives. For example, let's say that a path is a collection of lines, so here's the defini-
tion of an ImmutablePath :
class ImmutablePath {
List<ImmutableLine> segments = []
ThistimeIcan'tjustdeclarethesegmentsvariableusing def .IfIwantthe@ Immutable
annotation to work I need to specify that I'm using some sort of collection. On the
right-hand side of the segments definition I still just have [] , which normally means
an instance of java.util.ArrayList . In this case, however, what I actually get
(by printing ) is
java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList , believe it or
not. The Collections class has utility methods like unmodifiableList that take
a regular list and return a new list that can't be changed, but to be honest I wouldn't have
necessarily expected it to be a RandomAccessList in this case. It doesn't make any dif-
ference what the actual class is, of course, as long as the contract is maintained.
Speaking of that contract, those unmodifiable methods in Collections don't remove
the available mutator methods. Instead, they wrap them and throw an Unsuppor-
ted-OperationException if they're accessed. That's arguably a strange way to im-
plement an interface, but so be it. The Spock test for this class is shown in the following
listing. Everything works as expected. It takes some doing to build up all the immutable
objects needed to create an ImmutablePath instance, but once everything is set it all
Listing 4.9. A Spock test for the ImmutablePath class
class ImmutablePathTest extends Specification {
ImmutablePath path
def setup() {
def lines = []
ImmutablePoint p1 = new ImmutablePoint(x:0,y:0)
ImmutablePoint p2 = new ImmutablePoint(x:3,y:0)
ImmutablePoint p3 = new ImmutablePoint(x:0,y:4)
lines << new ImmutableLine(start:p1,end:p2)
lines << new ImmutableLine(start:p2,end:p3)
lines << new ImmutableLine(start:p3,end:p1)
path = new ImmutablePath(segments:lines)
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