Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.6. The @Immutable AST transformation results in an immutable object that can be used in both Java
and Groovy clients.
The @Immutable transformation can only be applied to Groovy classes, but those classes
can then be used in Java applications. I'll start by showing how the @ Immutable annota-
tion works and what its limitations are, and then use an immutable object in a Java class.
Here's an immutable point class. It contains two fields, x and y , which represent the loca-
tion of the point in a two-dimensional space:
class ImmutablePoint {
double x
double y
String toString() { "($x,$y)" }
The @ Immutable annotation is applied to the class itself. It still allows the properties
to be set through a constructor, but once set the properties can no longer be modified. The
next listing shows a Spock test to demonstrate that fact.
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