Java Reference
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Listing 4.2. A Department with a map of Employees and operator overriding
By the way, notice that the plus method doesn't add two Department instances; rather,
it adds an Employee to a Department . Groovy only cares about the name of the meth-
od for the operator. [ 3 ]
3 As an example from the Groovy JDK, the java.util.Date class has a plus method that takes an integer
representing the number of days. See also the multiply method in Collection that takes an integer.
To test this I'll use the Spock testing framework. As in chapter 1 , I'll present the test
without going into much detail about the Spock framework itself, which I'll deal with in
chapter 6 . Fortunately, Spock tests are easy to read even if you don't know the details. The
next listing shows a Spock test that's focused on just the operator methods.
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