Java Reference
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Figure 3.6. Mixing Java and Groovy classes. The Java app instantiates a Location and supplies it with street, city,
and state values. It sends the new Location to the Groovy geocoder, whose fillInLatLng method supplies the
latitude and longitude, which can then be retrieved by Java again.
Asthefigureshows,theJavaapplication willusea Location classtostorealltheneeded
attributes. It will supply the street , city , and state fields as input parameters, but
the Location class will also include latitude and longitude fields that will be up-
dated by the Groovy geocoder. The geocoder itself will be written in Groovy, because it's
easy to write the RESTful web service client code that way. [ 7 ]
7 Note this is just like the geocoder with the Stadium class used in chapter 2 when I discussed the Groovy Baseball
application. The differences here are the CSV output and that I'm invoking the Groovy implementation from Java.
Here's the new Location class, which could be written in either Java or Groovy. This
time, to keep the code simple I'll use a Groovy POGO:
class Location {
String street
String city
String state
double latitude
double longitude
The Location class encapsulates the address information in strings and provides double
variables for the latitude and longitude values that will be set using the geocoder. Speaking
of the geocoder, the next listing shows a revised version that wraps the script into a class.
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