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Listing 3.5. Using GroovyShell and Binding to invoke the Google geocoder
Passing parameters into the script is easy enough using the setVariable method on the
Binding . The binding is then used as an argument to the GroovyShell constructor.
The script is run from Java using the evaluate method as usual, and the results are ex-
tracted by getting the output variables from the shell. Using a GroovyShell and Bind-
ing is illustrated in figure 3.5 .
Figure 3.5. Java code sets variables in the Binding , which is used in the GroovyShell to execute Groovy code.
The results are returned via the getVariable method in the Binding .
There's more to the GroovyShell than I'm presenting here. I can use the parse meth-
od, rather than evaluate , to parse the script and retrieve a reference to the generated
Script object. That way I can set the binding variables and rerun the script without hav-
ing to recompile every time. GroovyShell also works with a hierarchy of classloaders
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