Java Reference
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Table 3.1. Static methods in groovy.util.Eval for executing Groovy from Java
Overloaded to take a String expression or an expression with a String symbol and an Object
One argument: the value of x
Two arguments, x and y
Three arguments, x, y, and z
To demonstrate the methods I'll add additional tests to the JUnit test case. The test is writ-
ten in Java, so I'll automatically call Groovy from Java.
The following listing showsfourtests, oneforeach ofthe static methods inthe Eval class.
Listing 3.4. JUnit 4 test class verifying results of calling Eval methods from Java
In each test the Groovy script to be evaluated is included as a string. Unlike the
ScriptEngine there's no overload for instances of Reader , so to execute a script in a
separate file would require reading the file into a string. The methods also assume that the
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