Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The majority of tools in AutoCAD 2011 can be called into use by any one
of the following six methods:
1. By clicking on the tool's icon in the appropriate panel. Fig. 3.1 shows
the Polygon tool called from the Home/Draw panel.
Fig. 3.1
The Polygon tool and its tooltip selected from the Home/Draw panel
2. By clicking on a tool icon in a drop-down menu. Fig. 3.2 shows the
tool names and icons displayed in the Draw drop-down menu. It is
necessary to fi rst bring the menu bar to screen with a click on Show
Menu Bar in the left-click menu of the Quick Access toolbar ( Fig. 3.3 )
if the menu bar is not already on screen.
3. By entering an abbreviation for the tool name at the command line. For
example, the abbreviation for the Line tool is l , for the Polyline tool it
is pl and for the Circle tool it is c .
4. By entering the full name of the tool at the command line.
5. By making use of the Dynamic Input method of construction.
6. If working in the AutoCAD Classic workspace by selection of tools
from toolbars.
In practice operators constructing drawings in AutoCAD 2011 may well
use a combination of these six methods.
Fig. 3.2
The tool icons
in the Draw toolbar
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