Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Load - Brings the Select Shape File dialog on screen
Ltscale (lts) - Allows the linetype scale to be adjusted
Measure (me) - Allows measured intervals to be placed along entities
Menu - Brings the Select Customization File dialog on screen
Menuload - Brings the Load/Unload Customizations dialog on screen
Mirror (mi) - Creates an identical mirror image to selected entities
Mledit - Brings the Multiline Edit Tools dialog on screen
Mline (ml) - Creates mlines
Mlstyle - Brings the Multiline Styles dialog on screen
Move (m) - Allows selected entities to be moved
Mslide - Brings the Create Slide File dialog on screen
Mspace (ms) - When in PSpace changes to MSpace
Mtext (mt or t) - Brings the Multiline Text Editor on screen
Mview (mv) - To make settings of viewports in Paper Space
Mvsetup - Allows drawing specifi cations to be set up
New (Ctrl
N) - Brings the Select template dialog on screen
Notepad - For editing fi les from the Windows Notepad
Offset (o) - Offsets selected entity by a stated distance
Oops - Cancels the effect of using Erase
Open - Brings the Select File dialog on screen
Options - Brings the Options dialog to screen
Ortho - Allows ortho to be set ON/OFF
Osnap (os) - Brings the Drafting Settings dialog to screen
Pagesetup - Brings either the Page Setup Manager on screen
Pan (p) - Drags a drawing in any direction
Pbrush - Brings Windows Paint on screen
Pedit (pe) - Allows editing of polylines. One of the options is Multiple
allowing continuous editing of polylines without closing the command
Pline (pl) - Creates a polyline
Plot (Ctrl
P) - Brings the Plot dialog to screen
Point (po) - Allows a point to be placed on screen
Polygon (pol) - Creates a polygon
Polyline (pl) - Creates a polyline
Preferences (pr) - Brings the Options dialog on screen
Preview (pre) - Brings the print/plot preview box on screen
Properties - Brings the Properties palette on screen
Psfi ll - Allows polylines to be fi lled with patterns
Psout - Brings the Create Postscript File dialog on screen
Purge (pu) - Purges unwanted data from a drawing before saving to fi le
Qsave - Saves the drawing fi le to its current name in AutoCAD 2009
Quickcalc (qc) - Brings the QUICKCALC palette to screen
Quit - Ends a drawing session and closes down AutoCAD 2009
Ray - A construction line from a point
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