Graphics Programs Reference
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3. Extrude both plines to suitable heights to form the chair frame and its
cushion seat.
4. In a Right view, construct plines for the holes through the chair and
extrude them to a suitable height and subtract them from the extrusion
of the chair frame.
5. Add suitable materials and render the result ( Fig. 15.38 ).
Fig. 15.38 Stages in constructing a chair
Constructing one of the stools
1. In the Front view and working to suitable sizes, construct a pline
outline for one-quarter of the stool.
2. Extrude the pline to a suitable height.
3. Mirror the extrusion, followed by forming a union of the two mirrored
4. In the To p view, copy the union, rotate the copy through 90 degrees,
move it into a position across the original and form a union of the two.
5. Add a cylindrical cushion and render ( Fig. 15.39 ).
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