Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
A click in the outward facing arrow at the bottom right-hand corner of the
Render/Render panel brings the Advanced Render Settings palette on
screen. Note that a click on this arrow if it appears in any panel will bring
either a palette or a dialog on screen.
The Lights tools
The different forms of lighting from light palettes are shown in Fig. 15.13.
There are a large number of different types of lighting available when
using AutoCAD 2011, among which those most frequently used are:
Default lighting . Depends on the setting of the set variable.
Point lights shed light in all directions from the position in which the light
is placed.
Distant lights send parallel rays of light from their position in the direction
chosen by the operator.
Spotlights illuminate as if from a spotlight. The light is in a direction set
by the operator and is in the form of a cone, with a 'hotspot' cone giving
a brighter spot on the model being lit.
Sun light can be edited as to position.
Sky background and illumination .
Fig. 15.13 Lighting buttons and menus in the Render/Lights panel
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