Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Top left is a view from the top of the model. Note that the front view
viewport is surrounded by a thicker line than the other three, which means
it is the current viewport. Any one of the four viewports can be made
current with a left-click within its boundary. Note also that three of the
views are in third angle projection.
When a viewport system has been opened it will usually be necessary
to make each viewport current in turn and Zoom and Pan to ensure that
views fi t well within their boundaries.
If a fi rst angle layout is needed it will be necessary to open the Viewports
dialog (Fig. 13.5) with a click on the New icon in the View/Viewports
panel ( Fig. 13.6 ) . First select Four: Equal from the Standard
viewports list; select 3D from the Setup popup menu; click in the top
right viewport and select Left in the Change View popup list; enter
fi rst angle in the New name fi eld. Change the other viewports as shown.
Save the settings with a click on the Named Viewports tab and enter the
required name for the setup in the sub-dialog which appears.
Fig. 13.5
The Viewports dialog set for a 3D fi rst angle Four: Equal setting
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