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has identified that the scalability and elasticity of
Cloud computing are currently the major issues.
This chapter discusses two approaches to facili-
tate on-demand resource provisioning, that is, the
open federated Cloud computing through zone
migration and ISONI. Although the case study
has demonstrated how zone migration model is
used in federated Cloud computing for on-demand
resource provisioning, zone has a limited mean-
ing in on-line game. How to generalize this zone
migration model in the context of federated Cloud
computing for on-demand resource provisioning
still requires further investigation.
Federated Cloud computing now attracts more
attentions. For example, Hybrid Cloud, a special
kind of federated Cloud, where enterprise or orga-
nization provides and manages some resources in-
house (i.e. private Cloud) and has others provided
externally (e.g. public Cloud), is now emerging.
An organization might use a public Cloud service,
such as Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
for general computing but store customer data
within its own data center. As large enterprises /
organizations often already have substantial in-
vestments in the infrastructure required to provide
resources in-house, they would prefer to keep
sensitive data under their own control to ensure
security. We can imagine that this hybrid Cloud
has potential to be widely used. The QoS-oriented
service computing proposed in this chapter and
federated Cloud computing model investigated in
Edutian project can have implications in building
this hybrid cloud.
monitoring, and on-demand resource provision-
ing. We proposed an SLA reference architecture
and discussed some research issues of the associ-
ated topics. In the case study, we demonstrate how
we employ QoS-oriented service computing in a
multi-server, multi-user on-line game to facilitate
the on-demand resource provisioning.
The author would like to acknowledge the support
from EU FP6 funded Edutain@Grid project, EU
FP7 funded IRMOS project, GRIA, and contribu-
tions from project partners.
Addis, A., Zlatev, Z., Mitchell, B., & Boniface,
M. (2009). Modelling interactive real-time appli-
cations on service oriented infrastructures . 2009
NEM Summit - Towards Future Media Internet,
September 28-30, 2009, St Malo, France.
Bartle, R. (2003). Designing virtual worlds . New
Riders Games.
Boniface, M., Philips, S., & Surridge, M. (2006).
Grid-based business partnerships using service
level agreements . Cracow Grid Workshop, 2006.
Bullinger, H., Fahnrich, K. P., & Meiren, T. (2003).
Service engineering-methodical development of
new service products. International Journal of
Production Economics , 85 , 275-287. doi:10.1016/
Buyya, R., Yeo, C. S., & Venugopal, S. (2009).
Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms:
Vision, hype, and reality for delivering comput-
ing as the 5th utility. Future Generation Com-
puter Systems , 25 (6), 599-616. doi:10.1016/j.
In order to meet the service requirements in Cloud
computing, we proposed the “QoS-oriented ser-
vice computing”, which can be regarded as an
extension of service computing discipline. Major
research topics of the “QoS-oriented service com-
puting” include service level agreement, green
service, service metering and metrics, service
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