Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10
How to Choose the Right Cloud
Stamatia Bibi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dimitrios Katsaros
University of Thessaly, Greece
Panayiotis Bozanis
University of Thessaly, Greece
Cloud computing is a recent trend in IT that moves computing and data away from desktop and portable
PCs into large data centers, and outsources the “applications” (hardware and software) as services
over the Internet. Cloud computing promises to increase the velocity with which applications are de-
ployed, increase innovation, and lower costs, all while increasing business agility. But, is the migration
to the Cloud the most profitable option for every business? This chapter presents a study of the basic
parameters for estimating the potential infrastructure and software costs deriving from building and
deploying applications on cloud and on-premise assets. Estimated user demand and desired quality at-
tributes related to an application are also addressed in this chapter as they are aspects of the decision
problem that also influence the choice between cloud and in-house solutions.
reduces IT costs and the situations under which
cost is actually a motive for migrating to cloud
computing technologies.
As cloud computing services are maturing, they
are becoming an attractive alternative to traditional
in-house or on premise development. The variable
costs calculated on scalable use of resources, the
support of enterprise growth through on demand
instant infrastructure provisioning and the shift of
maintenance, administration and monitoring op-
erations to third parties are among the compelling
Cloud computing is a recent trend in IT that enables
the use of common business applications online us-
ing the providers' software and hardware resources
and finally paying on-demand. This model opens
a new horizon of opportunity for enterprises as it
introduces new business models that allow custom-
ers to pay for the resources they effectively use
instead of making upfront investments. This fact
raises the question of whether such a technology
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